
Medical Articles

Medical Articles

A happy ending to a story, a sad break-up, an onion chopped into pieces—they all can trigger your tears. Tears serve many purposes, and your eyes produce them all the time. In fact, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year. Tears are essential to help you see clearly and maintain the health of your eyes. They can also help communicate your emotions. Your body makes three types of tears: basal tears, reflex tears, and emotional tears.
Nearly 30,000 sports-related eye injuries are treated in U.S. emergency rooms each year. The good news is that 90% of serious eye injuries could be prevented by wearing appropriate protective eyewear.
Blue light - whether from the sun or from the screens we use - wakes us up and stimulates us. This also means too much blue light exposure late at night from phones, tablets or computer screens can disrupt our ability to fall asleep.
Stem cell therapies are getting headlines for their potential to cure diseases, including those that affect vision. But an important message is missing: the therapies are not yet proven to be safe and effective for your eyes.
If you have ever had an eyelid twitch for an extended period of time, you know how annoying it is. It comes on suddenly, and can last for a minute, hours, days or even longer. Most common eyelid twitches are harmless and do not affect your vision.
In its early stages. A allows your to examine more thoroughly the retina and optic nerve for signs of damage before you notice any change to your vision. Regularly monitoring your eyes’ health allows your ophthalmologist to begin treatment as soon as possible if signs of disease do appear.