


Having eye exams more often than once a year, along with management of your diabetes. This means managing your diabetes, which include your HbA1c, blood pressure, and cholesterol; and quitting smoking. Management of blood glucose can help prevent diabetic eye disease and keep it from getting worse.
Glaucoma is a silent illness; most people have no early symptoms or warning signs as their peripheral vision diminishes or blind spots occur. Even in the United States, where there are active glaucoma screening programs, it is estimated 50% of people with glaucoma do not know they have the disease.
One of the most serious threats to your eyes is sunlight. Bright light has been linked to cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and malignancies in the eye, including cancer, according to studies. Unfortunately, many individuals are still uninformed of sunlight's negative consequences.
New study finds that those who have cataract surgery to correct visual impairment live longer than those who do not have the surgery.
Do you frequently have burning eyes, headaches, problem focusing...These are common symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), and we hear them every day from patients. In daily life, both children and adults use computers throughout the day for work, school, and web surfing. Sometimes, people spend hours in front of the computer screen, causing their eyes to dry and overwork the eyes’ focusing muscles.