
Dr. Kelvin Wong

Dr Kelvin Wong is Ophthalmologist at American Eye Center. His areas of sub-specialities include ocular Inflammation & Immunology as well as Medical Retina.  He has published paper in multiple clinical, medical and research journals. He held multiple grants for clinical research in diabetic macula oedema. Currently, he continues his clinical practice in general ophthalmology, cataract surgery in American Eye Center Vietnam

Dr. Kelvin Wong - American Eye Center Vietnam

Education and Qualifications

  • MBChB (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery), University of Liverpool, UK
  • Post- graduate qualifications MRCOpth (Lon) and MRCS (Ed)
  • Medical Retina and Uveitis subspecialty training, Tenant Eye Institute, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist, FRCOphth (Lon)
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, FRCS (Ed)


Prior to his appointment at American Eye Center, Dr. Wong used to work as:

  • Exchange Associate Consultant at the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) in the Ocular Inflammation@ Immunology departments
  • Consultant at National Health Service (NHS) Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK. He established the Uveitis Service and served as Clinical Lead for Diabetic Eye Diseases, Ocular Vascular Diseases and Uveitis

In addition to his clinical commitments, he is an active educator:

  • Clinical lecturer at Duke NUS, Singapore
  • Educational Tutor and Supervisor for medical undergraduates and also Honorary Lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University



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