
"Colorful Painting Garden" - An artistic haven at American Eye Center

"Colorful Painting Garden" - An artistic haven at American Eye Center

In the recent, painting activity held on June 3rd by American Eye Center x Legend Art, children have created incredible artworks. These paintings not only showcase the creativity of the children but also bring forth a vibrant and colorful space.

Colorful Painting Garden

All the children's paintings are currently on display at the "Colorful Painting Garden" of American Eye Center for a period of 2 weeks. Come to American Eye Center now to admire all these creative and colorful artworks!

With the theme "The World Through Children's Eyes," we can detect the importance of eyes, especially in children, as they directly affect their development. Therefore, take care of your child's eyes by scheduling annual eye exams to screen for any eye-related issues, ensuring their eyes stay healthy and provide them with the best vision possible.